Minimally Invasive Treatments
Gentle Care.
Clear Communication.
Outstanding Results.
Minimally Invasive Treatments
At Setter Periodontics and Dental Implants, we not only believe in achieving the best outcomes but we strive to deliver them in the least invasive and most comfortable way possible. Our entire team is dedicated to your care and comfort from the minute you walk in our door. This also extends to our treatment philosophy, as our team has always committed time and resources to seek out and train on techniques that will enhance patient comfort and healing. Some situations may require complex treatment, but we firmly believe that sometimes “less is more.” By unlocking the body’s natural healing potential, we can often achieve exceptional results with natural, simpler, and more comfortable treatments. Below are some of the treatments we offer.
Non-Surgical Gum Disease Treatment (Scaling Therapy)
The first line of defense against the spread of gum disease is a unique type of cleaning called “scaling and root planing.” In this procedure, an ultrasonic cleaning device is used to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth where regular cleaning devices can't reach: under the gum line on the tooth and the root. The goal is to leave a healthy, clean tooth and root surface that makes it easier for the gum tissue to reattach to the tooth.
If gum disease treatment is initiated before it becomes severe, scaling and root planing may be the only treatment you need. However, as with any dental procedure, your home care is essential to maintaining a healthy mouth and ensuring that our treatments are successful. In order to maintain a healthy mouth and resist future occurrences of gum disease, you must brush and floss daily, eat a healthy diet, avoid tobacco use, and have regular dental checkups.
Non-Surgical Perioscopy Therapy
Our office has “leveled up” its non-surgical treatment to provide the most advanced non-surgical treatment available in the world. This therapy, called perioscopy, features a miniature digital camera (endoscope) that is small enough to fit inside the infected pockets around your teeth. This magnifies the infection 100x so that we can diagnose and treat the disease in a comfortable way. This option may be available even in more advanced cases of disease so that surgery could be avoided altogether! Learn more about Perioscopy here.
Laser Periodontal Therapy (LANAP)
Dr. Setter’s team is specially trained in the Laser-Assister New Attachment Procedure (LANAP). LANAP is the only FDA-cleared laser gum disease treatment that can regrow the tissues and bone lost to gum disease. This treatment involves the use of a miniature laser (about the size of a mechanical pencil lead) to access and decontaminate the deep pockets of infection around the teeth. The infection and inflammation can be thoroughly removed without using incisions or stitches. In addition, patients generally experience minimal post-operative discomfort and a quicker recovery. To learn more about LANAP, visit our treatment page here.
Minimally Invasive Gum Recession Treatment
Dr. Setter has been specially trained in advanced minimally invasive gum recession treatments. You may have heard of the Pinhole Technique, where recession treatment is provided through tiny “pinholes” in the gums. Dr. Setter uses a technique with slight modifications and advancements that keeps the minimally invasive approach but enhances the results. The gums can be advanced up the root without incisions using tiny sutures that requires magnifying glasses to place. In many cases, we don’t have to take the tissue from the patient’s palate which reduces post-operative discomfort and speeds the healing. Dr. Setter also uses special healing gels as well as an all-natural, homeopathic recovery protocol
to enhance the body’s healing. The result is thick, healthy gum tissue that looks, feels, and works exactly like the patient’s own!
Single-Stage Dental Implant Surgery with Digital Case Planning
Our office uses a streamlined digital process to diagnose, plan, and perform tooth replacement surgery. In many cases, a tooth can be removed and a dental implant placed in the same visit. Our state-of-the-art process means more efficient surgery with a faster and easier recovery.
Sedation Options
We understand that the dental office is nobody’s favorite destination and treatment can be anxiety-inducing. Prior to treatment, you will be offered several different options for procedural sedation (if desired). We offer several forms of safe, effective sedation from nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) and oral sedation (pill) to IV conscious sedation to make sure we can perform ideal treatment while you relax. You can learn more about Sedation Dentistry here.
To make an appointment, please call our office at 503-222-9961 or e-mail us at
frontdesk@setterperio.com. We look forward to the opportunity to meet you!